With the response, impact, and decisions being made due to the presence of the coronavirus and specifically COVID 19 and though there are now vaccines available, the effects on higher education continue. Tensions and stress are high and the constant news cycle and rapid changes are leaving families with overwhelming feelings of instability and confusion.
In the spirit of being as helpful as possible, I compiled several student, parent, and general family resources into one place on this site. Since I specialize in helping families prepare and pay for higher education, I included many resources to help families better understand the impacts of coronavirus on higher ed.
Since circumstances change almost daily, I will try to provide updates to this page as new information becomes available or changes. I deliberately chose this set of links and resources that are the most relevant and reliable sources.
Sign up to receive an email notification when updates are available If you have suggestions or questions, please use the button below to send me a message.
Delaware Vaccine Hotline: 302-672-6150
Pennsylvania Vaccine Hotline: 877-724-3258
New Jersey Vaccine Registration Hotline: 855-568-0545
Coronavirus vs. COVID 19: What's the difference?
These terms have been used interchangeably. Learn the difference.
Center for Disease Control -Get the latest accurate and most reliable updates on the virus and vaccines from the CDC
International travel information and cautions
Through collaboration and coordination with State and local health departments, State and local educational agencies, other education officials, and elected officials, schools can disseminate critical information about the disease and its potential transmission to students, families, staff, and community.
Accepted to College? Use this College Admission Status Update Tool
As a service to students and families, NACAC is providing this online tool as a central resource for information about changes in college admission events, deposit dates, and more as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. (DISCLAIMER: The tool has not been updated since April 2020 but much of the information is still relevant. Use the tool to start your research but go straight to the colleges' communication sites as your main source.)
High School Students: Get updates on your high school services
The Secondary Schools College Admission Services Update is now available. It provides secondary school professionals an opportunity to report on the current admission-related services at their schools and organizations under these unprecedented circumstances.
(DISCLAIMER: The tool has not been updated since June 2020 but much of the information is still relevant. Use the tool to start your research but go straight to the colleges' communication sites as your main source.)
Forbes Article - February 2020: 3 Impacts of Coronavirus on College Admission
CampusTours was founded in 1997 as a way for students to take virtual tours of colleges and universities. In 2001 CampusTours began building multimedia tours and interactive campus maps for colleges and universities,
Get information from the virtual Fall and Spring college fairs sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) These fairs include National College Fairs, STEM College, and Performing Arts College Fairs.
Colleges may have limitations and new on-campus procedures. Admission events that usually occur at this time—such as campus tours, information sessions, and open house events for admitted students—may have limited capacity, new procedures, canceled or moved online. Please check college websites for the latest information. (Linked article is from March 2020)
The Common App provides updates and information regarding disruptions such as the coronavirus. If you are impacted, you can reach Common App's dedicated support team via email. Fee waivers may be available if you are facing unexpected losses. Students who are having difficulty sending official test scores also have the option of sending self-reported scores to colleges.
Here’s a List of Colleges That Require Students or Employees to Be Vaccinated Against Covid-19
The coronavirus pandemic has left higher-education leaders facing difficult decisions about all campus operations. Take a look at the latest updates on vaccine policies.
Test Optional Institutions
Over 1,500 colleges and universities are not test optional
SAT and AP Tests
The College Board, which administers the SAT and AP tests, is continually updating its list of test center closings for both US and international sites. The website indicates if tests have been canceled or if locations have changed due to coronavirus concerns. The College Board will refund all registration fees for affected students.
ACT Tests
Please check the ACT website for updates on whether any test centers will be closed. If so, ACT will notify impacted students directly.
The IBO, which administers the International Baccalaureate program, provides updates on its website regarding the cancellation of planned events, school closures, and extensions for coursework deadlines.
Stay updated on how the Coronavirus impacts your federal financial aid.
(Special Note: On Aug. 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education announced a final extension of the student loan payment pause until Jan. 31, 2022.
The pause includes the following relief measures for eligible loans:
a suspension of loan payments
a 0% interest rate
stopped collections on defaulted loans)
Understanding Financial Aid During COVID 19
Get updates here to learn about your federal student availability and adjustments impacted by COVID 19.
A How-To Guide on FAFSA Completion for High School Students (And the Adults Who Help Them) Available in 9 Languages
Find the Higher Education Office for Your State
All states are different The state you live in
Find Low-Cost Internet Service and Computers in Your Area (via EveryoneOn)
New Internet Essentials Customers Will Receive Two Free Months of Internet Service (via Comcast)
Social Care Network
A social care network that connects people and programs — making it easy for people to find social services in their communities, for nonprofits to coordinate their efforts, and for customers to integrate social care into the work they already do.
Expanded SNAP Benefits may be available for those who qualify. The easiest way to find the SNAP benefits information for your state Google "SNAP Benefits" and type the name of your state. (Example: SNAP Benefits Maryland)
EDUCATION RESOURCES (Resources for families to use at home)
Day-to-day projects to keep kids thinking, learning and growing.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
Lessons worth sharing. TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world.
Audible -Audio Books and Stories
Free books and stories from
Working Remotely: A Complete Guide to Turn You Into a Pro
Excellent Article that includes a wide variety of tools and strategies. Slight promotion of the author's employer (Paymo)
Comparing Web Conferencing – Working from home technology
These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch (Video)
Meal Options for students and families